Dr Dean Freestone
Co-Founder, Seer Medicaldeanrf@unimelb.edu.au
Dr Dean Freestone has devoted his career to neural engineering, beginning with a PhD at the University of Melbourne on ‘Seizure Forecasting and Reverse Engineering the Brain’. As a Fulbright Scholar, Dean studied in the Neural Statistics Lab at Columbia University in New York, and since then, his research has continued to explore ways in data science and machine learning can be combined with engineering methods to advance understanding and treatment of epilepsy.
Dean co-founded Seer Medical in 2017 alongside Prof Mark Cook, and George Kenley. Today, Seer Medical’s research and development is driving forward global understanding of epilepsy, and its medical technology has transformed the way long-term epilepsy monitoring occurs. Founding CEO from 2017-2023, Dean remains closely involved with Seer Medical as Co-Founder and a member of the Board of Directors.