Professor James Bailey
Professor, The University of Melbournebaileyj@unimelb.edu.au
James Bailey is a Professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at The University of Melbourne and Program Lead for Artificial Intelligence. He was previously an Australian Research Council Future Fellow and is a researcher in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence, including interdisciplinary applications and operational frameworks.
His interests particularly relate to the assurance, certification and safety of systems based on machine learning and artificial intelligence. He contributes to the AI research community through roles such as membership of Editorial Boards including the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, ACM Transactions on Data Science and IEEE Transactions on Big Data. He was co-Program Chair of the Australasian Joint Conference in Artificial Intelligence in 2019. He works on the deployment of AI systems in collaboration with a wide range of industry and government partners across the defence, energy and health sectors.
Personal home page for further information: https://people.eng.unimelb.edu.au/baileyj/